- Zhuzhou city has more than 1700 muslims.The existing mosque is
- located along the Nan Luxiang Scenery Belt in Lusong District.
- Built by the government,covers an area of 0.79 acres and
- a total area of 1400 square meters.
- The building consists of 5 floors where the first 3 floors
- are used as hotel accomodation to generate income ,
- while the 4th and the 5th floors are used to perform
- religious activities.
- About 50 - 80 muslims participate in Friday Prayer.
- The muslim style building is equipped with Halal restuarant.
- In 1985, the goverment established in Zhuzhou Wells County
- Wu Xian Tamura a 15.4 acres cemetry for muslims where
- islamic funeral is held to address the city's muslims worries.
- To help muslims to conduct normal religious activities,the
- goverment established on October 15 , 1986 the Zhuzhou
- Islamic Association.
- Zhuzhou Mosque
- Address: Hunan Zhuzhou City District No. 81 Riverside Mosque
- Tel 0731 28306556
- Current Imam: Ma Daxing , serving from 1988 and a member of
- Zhuzhou Educational Council.
- The majority of muslims in Zhuzhou come from Shaoyang , Henan,
- Shangde and other places who come here for work.
- Activities
- Friday Prayer every Friday starting 1:00 pm.
- Quran recitation and islamic studies are available.
- Taraweeh prayer every day in Ramadan starting 8:00 pm.
- Bed and Halal food are available at best price.
Contact us : admin@zhuzhoumosque.com